
Phillip C. Reiner Portrait

Phillip C. Reiner

At the intersection of mathematical geometry, architecture, and artistic expression, my work explores how complex geometric principles can be translated into meaningful spatial and visual experiences.

Research Focus

My research investigates the relationship between mathematical structures and their physical manifestations in art and architecture. This includes the development of novel polyhedric systems, the study of aperiodic patterns, and the exploration of symmetry groups in three-dimensional space. A particular emphasis lies in making abstract geometric concepts tangible and experientially accessible.

Collaborative Practice

Collaboration is central to my practice. Through sustained partnerships with artists, mathematicians, and architects, we explore how geometric principles can enhance artistic expression and spatial understanding. These collaborations often lead to unexpected insights and new approaches to geometric interpretation.

My work at Studio Olafur Eliasson, where I founded and led the Advanced Geometries Department, exemplified this collaborative approach. There, we developed new methodologies for translating complex geometric concepts into physical models and artistic installations.

Current Research

Through protoCtrl, I continue to explore the boundaries between mathematical theory and artistic practice. Current research directions include the development of novel geometric systems for artistic applications, investigation of relationships between mathematical structures and natural phenomena, and integration of computational geometry with traditional craftsmanship.

Academic Exchange

Regular participation in conferences and academic discussions, particularly the Bridges Conference connecting mathematics and art, provides opportunities to share research findings and engage with the international community. These exchanges contribute to the ongoing dialogue between scientific precision and artistic innovation.

Explore more about our research or view our recent projects.

protoCtrl adapts its collaborative structure according to each project’s unique requirements, working with a network of specialized partners to support diverse artistic visions.


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